Book Review
Terrorism and Global Conspiracy
By Thalis Noor Cahyadi
Title : Devil’s Game; How The United States
Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam
Indonesian Title : Devil’s Game; Orchestra Iblis, 60 tahun
Perselingkuhan Amerika-Religious Extrimist
Author : Robert Dreyfuss
Translator : A. Maftuh Abe Gabriel
Thickness : xxxiii + 486 pages
Publisher : SR-ins Publishing Yogyakarta
Discussing the Global Terrorism, or what George Walker Bush calls GWOT (Global Warning on Terrorism), it sounds identical with an Islam Fundamentalism, but is that true?
That point of view can be true or false, but from other perspective it will be a different point of view. This view is close to a global conspiracy concept of USA or another. Global conspiracy that has been arranged by the super power country as a powerful conspiracy to conquer to economic sources of the middle eastern countries, for example, which are rich with oil, and the developing countries which are rich with natural resources, from Africa to South East Asia, including Indonesia. The model is coinciding of the issue and authorizing politics. It reminds us to a book titled “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”, by John Perkins, a strategic economy expert who worked for Chas T. Main, an International Factory in Boston, Massachusett which is to agent of the economic hit man, World Bank, IMF and the US Government.
Perkins writes that the first strategy of the hit man is to make a deal with to developing countries by giving huge debts which exceed their economic capacity. So, with that strategy the USA through the IMF or the World Bank would easily acquire the asset as debt payment and dictate the economy or the politic running. Indonesia is one of the victims, and it must struggle to escape from the debt trap.
If the developing country can not be approached through economy and politic, the second strategy will be applied. They send CIA agents, the jackals or the jackals of economy and politic. Then they provoke revolution or croup de e’tat in the incorporated countries. It happened in the Middle East when Syah Iran was toppled by Ayatullah Khomaini or the Afghan regime by Taliban. This strategy as been described by Robert Dreyfuss, the expert of political investigation and State Security in his book: Devil’s Game: The United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam. Through a long report, Dreyfuss did a critical investigation, how the USA and the Jackal apply the economical and political strategy in Middle East (1945-1970), moreover to win the influence in USSR at the Cold War. Together with Saudi Kingdom and Afghanistan, the USA supported the development of Islam Politic discourse to establishment and support to the hard line of Islam which are called “Religious” to fight against the communism penetration to the Middle East and to build nationalism in this area.
The starting point of the radical Islam birth began when USA and British support the Wahabi movement commanded by Mohammad Abdul Wahab, which held the main political role of King Saud who later became the King of Saudi Arabia. The cooperation between King Saud then King Faisal with Roosevelt, the USA President in that era, as the entry point of the birth of Islamic radical movements which then sprout, from Ikhwanul Muslimin in Egypt, Jama’at el-Islam in Pakistan to Hamas in Palestine.
The Embryo continued with establishment of the center of Battle Training and Education in Pheswar, Pakistan. Thousands of weapons distributed by the US government and billions dollar ad been spent by Saudi Arabia Kingdom to fund this military camp. In this camp, thousands of Muslim from all over the world, including Indonesia, came together to discuss and build the Islamic Caliphate, and the refusal of both communism and nationalism. Also, here the alumni were born they were recruited by the Intelligent agent of CIA or at least were able to support political economic of USA.
Through these alumni, the USA, the British, and Saudi Arabia used to yell the communism and nationalism. Te birth of Pan-Islamism by Jamaludin al- Afghani, an Egyptian adventurer who was the ambassador of France-British, then he was succeeded by his companions such Muhammad Abduh, Rasyid Ridha also Hasan al-Banna, the founder of Ikhwanul Muslimin as the beginning of the succeed of the Jackal’s conspiracy.
The war between Afghanistan and USSR commanded by the Mujahid Guerilla, an alumnus group of Pheswar camp who were from Muslim around the world, including Indonesia. They are the mobilization of the jackal’s conspiracy theory. In this war, Osama Bin Laden took an important role as the agent of both Saudi Arabia Kingdom and the CIA, including Ayatullah Khomaini and the coup de e’tat against Shah Iran, also Saddam Husein in the bloody coup de e’tat from Baath party.
After the phenomenon within the Middle East and other Asian regions, it is found that the seed has grown rapidly over the US control and its allies. The radical Islam turns to fight back the US power, until it accumulated in the biggest event on September 11, 2001. WTC, as the US civilization building was destroyed. It is a “dishonest” of the radical Islam, Agus Maftuh called it. The appearance of Osama bin Laden-through al-Qaidah, an underground organization wit its terror power and hidden attack, but now it is a forbidden organization and the most wanted one – as a dishonest struggle icon.
For that reason, the USA considers the Jackal’s plan fail in Middle East. So the USA, as what John Perkin stated, ad to take the last strategy, by military invention to region considered “incorporated”. So with GWOT (Global Warning on Terrorism) and the indication of Osama bin Laden existence together wit its bitter dishonest partner (the Taliban Regime), the US also do Jihad to attack Afghanistan. Soon after Afghanistan and the Taliban were toppled, but Osama still can not be found, the same strategy was applied in Iraq with different issue it is a nuclear and chemistry weapon. The Saddam Husain regime which had been authorized in almost a half century restored. Finally, although this book never uses original resources as references such as Arabic literature which often quoted by Dreyfuss, but the content of this book is important for us to know deeply how global conspiracy happened in many countries in the world.
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